Cookie Policy
This section applies to all visitors of this website. By “cookie” we mean cookie modules and similar technologies that collect information automatically.
Cookies are used to offer you a better navigation experience and services, adapted to visitors’ needs: navigation improvement, identify errors that appear while browsing, anonymous statistics about how the website is used, anticipating visitors’ needs.
The types of cookies we use:
Registration cookies:
When and if you register on our website, automated cookies are generated, that remember your registration.
Performance cookies:
This cookie remembers the preferences of the visitors, so that next time the website is visited, it remembers the settings.
User analysis cookies:
These cookies tell us if a certain user has previously visited this website. These cookies are used only for statistics.
Geotargeting cookies:
These cookies establish the country from where the user is visiting the website. No matter what language is chosen, advertisements will be displayed.
Advertisement cookies:
These cookies tell us if you have previously seen an ad, what type, and for how long. These cookies are anonymous, no data is stored.
In addition, we use third-party cookies from our partners. Their cookies comply with the General Data Protection Regulation – you may find additional information on their respective webpages.
The complete third party cookies are listed below:
Name(key) |
Usage and purpose |
Validity period |
1 |
_utmt |
Google Analytics cookie that calculates the speed of the connection to the server |
Session |
2 |
_utma |
Google Analytics cookie that identifies how many times the visitor visited the page. |
2 years |
3 |
_utmb |
Google Analytics cookie that records when a visitor enters the page (calculates the total duration of the visit) |
Session |
4 |
_utmc |
Google Analytics cookie that records when a visitor leaves the page (calculates the total duration of the visit)
Session |
5 |
_utmz |
Google Analytics cookie that records how the user reached the page (from which search engine, from which search term, on which links he clicked)
2 years |
6 |
_ga |
Google Analytics cookie that records a unique ID per visitor, to use statistics related to the use of the page
Session |
7 |
ads |
Google Adwords cookie that re-target visitors to convert them into customers based on their online behavior |
Session |
8 |
collect |
Google Analytics cookie used to send data related to the user's devices and their behavior
Session |
9 |
fr |
Facebook cookie, used for the delivery of advertising products
2 months |
10 |
Google DoubleClick cookie, used to report user actions after viewing or clicking on one of the ads on the site |
1 year |
By deactivating cookies the website may limit the performance of this website, making it hard to navigate through it.
The visitors may configure their browser to reject or accept the cookies from a certain webpage.
You may change the settings of your browser, in the “Options” or “Preferences” menu.
Find out how to deactivate the cookies of your browser here: